
Treatment Case Study for

Premature Greying with Hair Thinning

Having a BMI of 24.3 and weight of 75 kg, Tigmanshu had no control over his unhealthy food cravings and used to consume sugary beverages on daily basis. This 35-year-old man reached out to Nirvasa’s professional and certified doctors for his premature hair greying issue. After he completed the self-assessment form, the doctor came to realise that his dietary practices needs to be changed immediately as junk and street food had been impacting on his hair badly. Due to greying of hair, Tigmanshu was in extreme stress as his confidence had come down to a great extent. He started with a hair care treatment plan especially customised by the doctor according to his requirements, goals and keeping in mind his medical, lifestyle and dietary habits. With proper guidance, lifestyle changes and dietary modifications, the visibility of grey hair around temples and crown area significantly decreased. The quality of his hair improved and now he is extremely happy with black hair.

Treatment Summary

Patient Profile
35, Male, Married
Premature Greying with Thinning Hair
Duration of Treatment
12 Months
Suggestions by Doctor
Natural supplements, hair serums and nutritious diet
Self-Assessment Form
Lifestyle Habits
  • Activity Level: Moderately Active
  • Smoking Habits: Non-smoker
  • Alcohol Consumption: Occasional social drinker
  • Sleep Cycle: 6-7 hours per night
  • Stress Level: High
  • Eating Habits: Unhealthy diet, difficulty controlling portion sizes (Overeating), regular consumption of sugary beverages
  • Water Intake: 4-5 glasses a day
  • Caffeine Intake: 2-3 caffeinated drinks per day
  • Energy Levels: Often fatigued
  • Calorie Intake: Consume high-calorie or unhealthy foods regularly
  • Gut Health: Frequent heartburn and bloating
Performance Health
  • Premature greying concentrated around temples and crown area
  • Hair thinning, especially at the crown
  • Dry and rough hair texture
  • Normal scalp condition
  • Frequently use hair styling products
  • Shampoo hair four times a week
Doctor Consultation

After submitting a self-assessment form, the doctor conducted an in-depth analysis of his profile and learned about Tigmanshu’s lifestyle, dietary and hair care habits. On the basis of the facts that Tigmanshu consumes unhealthy and high-calorie food, intakes more caffeine content instead of water, doesn’t have control over portion sizes and sugary beverages, and extreme stress, the doctor prescribed a customised hair care treatment plan for his grey hair. It included nutritional supplements and hair serum to improve his hair’s overall quality. The treatment plan even comprised of techniques to decrease stress and alterations in his diet and lifestyle habits.

Treatment Journey
  • The doctor analysed Tigmanshu’s case of premature greying of hair and realised that his lifestyle, diet and hair care routine had to be modified to a great extent.
  • Tigmanshu started to maintain a balanced diet and stress management techniques to lower his anxiety and tension levels. He faced some issues in cutting down portions and limiting sugar beverages, but with time it all had to come into his daily habits.
  • In the first 3 months, Tigmanshu didn’t see any noticeable changes in his hair texture but his hair quality had slightly improved. His gut health had improved to a great level due to which he was not feeling fatigued and lethargic anymore.
  • After 6 months, he started noticing black hair on his head and improved overall hair quality. He continued applying hair serums and consuming special nutritional supplements for his hair.
  • Finally, after the completion of 12 months, Tigmanshu reported significant changes in his hair texture. He had to find grey hair on his head which used to be the case with black ones in the starting days of the treatment. Now his hair felt smoother, shinier and experienced less hair breakage.

Patient Feedback

I had no confidence in the fact that my premature grey hair can be treated and that just nominal lifestyle and dietary changes, along with a few supplements can bring back my black, shiny hair. The doctor and the wellness coach supported me at every step and through regular follow-ups and doctor consultations, I now embrace a healthy lifestyle which not only impacts my wellness but even my hair and scalp quality.