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  • The Problem of White Discharge in Women Will Disappear if You Adopt These Home Remedies

The Problem of White Discharge in Women Will Disappear if You Adopt These Home Remedies


    We might very well understand the plight of women worldwide, knowing what all they go through when they are facing and dealing with women’s wellness problems. All respect must be rendered in order to maintain dignity and gratitude for women who are trying to combat these worsening conditions. Apart from menstruation, a commonly seen problem in women is the vaginal or the white discharge. All the women who are eager to know the home remedies for white discharge in order to procure the right amount of prevention and treatment in order to maintain their vaginal wellness will definitely find solutions.

    “Tired of irregular discharges?

    You’ll be able to take the charges.

    Remember to never hide,

    Home remedies you must abide

    Let your queries, not discharges, flow,

    We have all the home remedies for white discharge to show!“


    White discharge is a women’s problem in which one has to experience the flow of a white, creamy and jelly-like element out of the vagina. It seems very common and natural, right? But what one feels, all the irritation, the wetness and the stickiness, can only be known to the women. White discharge in women can indicate the type of disaster that can be happening inside your vagina.

    Notice, there are different types of discharges which can be categorised in terms of the colour, odour and thickness of the discharge. Also, there are some of the home remedies for white discharge, further in this blog which can give you the idea for combating this problem.


    Here, in this table, manifested for you, we have got you covered in a glimpse of all the types, causes and symptoms of white discharge in women.

    SN   Types of Vaginal Discharge Causes of White Discharge Symptoms of White Discharge
    1. Yellow, frothy or possibly green with a bad smell  Trichomoniasis Pain in urination
    2. White, cheezy and thick Yeast formation Pain and swelling around the vagina or rough sexual activity
    3. Yellow and cloudy Gonorrhea Bleeding between periods and pelvic pain
    4. White, yellow, jelly-like, with a fishy odour Bacterial infections Burning, itching, and redness of the vagina
    5. Blood-filled or brown Menstrual cycles are uneven or irregular Vaginal bleeding (abnormal) and pelvic pain

    If you are wondering and asking yourself - “why do I have a lot of white discharge?” here are 12 of the most common causes of white discharge in women plus some home remedies for white discharge.

    1. Antibiotic or steroid use
    2. Yeast infections 
    3. Pelvic infection caused after surgery
    4. Diabetes
    5. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
    6. Vaginal atrophy (shedding and thinning of the vaginal wall)
    7. Birth control pills
    8. Douches, bubble baths, and scented lotions or soaps
    9. Gonorrhea or chlamydia (sexually transmitted diseases)
    10. Cervical cancer
    11. Vaginitis (irritation around as well as in the vagina)
    12.  Trichomoniasis, caused by having unprotected sexual activity


    Now, that you know a few things about white discharge which also includes white discharge reason, here are some of the home remedies for the same:

    1. Greek yoghurt:

    • Yoghurt, in itself, is considered a probiotic. Let us know what actually is the meaning of an element to be probiotic.
    • Probiotics can be elaborated to be live microorganisms inside a component that can be very effective in maintaining the balance in our bodies. To be precise, these are the “good bacteria” present in the body to retain it in order to combat the disease-causing bacteria.
    • Yoghurt, as one of the best home remedies for white discharge contains a live bacteria named - Lactobacillus acidophilus. These bacteria can be generous enough to incorporate the vagina in the pink of its health. These can also  assist in the overgrowth that might have been caused due to some kind of imbalance.
    • There have been studies that suggest that consumption of yoghurt can prove to be flourishing for your gut microbiome, which can also be of great help in the reduction of the yeast-causing microbes in the body.
    • Plain Greek yoghurt is an excellent option for white discharge in women that you must consider if your vagina is prone to yeast.

    Note to remember: The yoghurt that you tend to eat should not at all contain added sugars, fruits, or any other kind of flavouring. The growth of a fungus named Candida gets agitated if the sugars are added to the yoghurt.

    2. Boric acid:

    • Being a very stringent antiseptic, boric acid is one of the major home remedies for white discharge considered to be the most powerful element for the clearance of yeast infections.
    • There are boric acid suppositories used for the vagina to cure the white discharge in women, along with other kinds of medications for treating all kinds of vaginal infections.

    Warning 1: Boric acid can be very dangerous and toxic if used in large quantities. It can sometimes lead to acute failure of the circulatory system, damage to the kidney, and even death if it is absorbed in large quantities.

    Warning 2: Boric acid should also never be used on cracked or broken skin.

    Warning 3: Avoid taking boric acid orally.

    Warning 4: If you are pregnant, you are not at all supposed to use boric acid.

    Warning 5: If you really have relatively sensitive skin, you might as well not consider boric acid.

    The elements with boric acid are not a good choice of home remedies for white discharge if you have sensitive skin.

    We can always completely debar the use of boric acid in case of any kind of unease or discomfort.

    3. Essential oil of oregano:

    • You might feel that oregano oil is the same as the spice named oregano or else Origanum marjoram that one uses as toppings which we buy from the grocery.
    • Oregano oil is generally made up of wild oregano, also called Origanum vulgare.
    • A study has also clarified the fact that this oregano oil has been the curing element for the Candida Albicans, during the white discharge in women.
    • The usage is extremely transparent and simple. Add a few (3 to 5) drops of oregano oil and then mix it with the finest carrier oil such as almond or olive oil. Apply it over your skin. 

    STOP STOP, I told you to apply it only on the skin down there, take care you never apply it anywhere near your vagina!!!!!

    • Remember that essential oils can only be used for the famous aromatherapy. So, take care never to ingest it or even apply it internally or else the home remedies for white discharge will lead to a home disaster!!!!!

    4. Probiotic suppositories and supplements:

    • The balance between the bacteria and yeast can be managed and restored by the probiotic elements.
    • The consumption of oral probiotics, which is an amalgamation of Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, will present to you the maximisation of the health benefits.
    • These health benefits can be brought into a stiff alignment by keeping your vaginal flora and gut robust and flourishing.
    • If you are a person to consider oral supplements, which might take a week or two to implant positive results, vaginal suppositories can be used as probiotics for impromptu results in treating white discharge in women.
    • There have been various research and pieces of evidence on probiotic suppositories which can assist in healing ‘Bacterial vaginosis’.

    5. Coconut oil:

    • It is an oil that is specially crafted out of the flesh of the coconut. The oil is super healthy and also compliments health with its anti-fungal nature and properties.
    • This oil is extremely beneficial for Candida Albicans, making this an effective home remedy.
    • For the treatment of the vaginal infection caused due to yeast, one must be very particular in buying the purest and organic coconut oil.
    • This oil can be used in the vaginal area directly as it has no side effects.

    6. Tea tree oil:

    • It is also one of the essential oils majorly used to treat and destroy bacteria, fungi and viruses of different kinds, due to its antifungal properties.
    • According to research, tea tree oil is a perfect blend of the vaginal suppositories and the probiotics, which are excellent in the treatment of white discharge in women.
    • Remember to never use tea tree oil directly anywhere as it is an essential oil used along with a carrier oil such as coconut or jojoba oil. The internal use of the tea tree is strictly prohibited.

    Warning: Tea tree oil must be used very occasionally and also never try to swallow it if you need your life safe! Make sure to discontinue the usage of this oil if your skin is utterly sensitive and is causing any kind of irritation to you.

    7. Apple cider vinegar:

    • Apple cider vinegar is the finest medication for yeast-caused infections. A bath in it can make you free from the infection. Add half a cup of apple cider to a bathtub filled with lukewarm water and keep it intact for about 20 minutes for it to soak and mix perfectly.
    • The vinegar has an acidic element which can be essential to wither away all the types of harmful microbes.
    • Avoid douching while bathing with the apple cider vinegar water, as douching can cause the yeast infection to reoccur and reappear.
    • Always use a dilated form of apple cider vinegar. Applying it directly can not be recommended for treating white discharge in women

    8. Garlic:

    • Based on various studies and research, garlic may aid in eliminating Candida Alibicans, one of the most common fungal infections caused by yeasts. 
    • Garlic comes with a secret but effective ingredient called Allicin which is responsible for preventing the growth of fungal infections and even Candida.

    The best way to treat white discharge or fungal infections is to add garlic to your daily diet. Now, there’re a couple of side effects of consuming excess garlic:

    • Depending on different body types, you can feel the burning sensation in the vagina
    • More intake of garlic can make you feel nauseated and this, being one of the best home remedies for white discharge, ended up being worrisome for many.

    Warning: A few websites advise inserting garlic into your vaginal area as a treatment, but it might not be the right and recommended practice. It’s because of the fact that garlic is comprised of active compounds that might cause burns and pain when applied to the mucosa (a kind of moist tissue lining your mouth and your vaginal walls) and your skin.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Can stress cause vaginal discharge?

      Yes, definitely. Stress can be a major cause of white discharge. Stress can alter your hormonal levels and be a major trigger for the white discharge. So, try and let yourself cool up and shoo away all the stress that bothers your mental and physical well-being.

    • What does normal woman discharge look like?

      A normal discharge is white and usually transparent in colour. It can be creamy white and the odour should not be foul.

    • How long can white discharge last?

      An average count of days in which white discharge can occur normally is up to 14 days.

      Akanksha Chugh Anand

      AuthorAkanksha Chugh Anand is a medical content writer working for NIRVASA Digital Health Clinic. She has been diligently writing on various health related issues catered to by NIRVASA.